Our Initiatives

Engaging individuals, communities and government to bring the NCDs into the public spotlight and on national agenda. We are partnering with both health and non-health sectors to urge community behavior changes such doing physical activities, regularly NCDs check-up and eating healthier diet as the vital factors in the prevention of NCDs. It also underlines the need for continued advocacy for and support of screening initiatives nationwide as part of a comprehensive prevention and treatment response to the diseases.

Media Engagement

We have chosen to engage the media because of its influential role to impact awareness and advocacy if engaged in a planned way. The media has the power to inform a large population in a variety of accessible ways within a short period of time. Media can also change perceptions and contribute to social and behaviour change by setting the agenda and focusing on particular issues.

Since the start of the media engagement, dozens of NCDs articles were published, more than 50 journalists were equipped with skills to report on NCDs, NCD-themed TV & radio content evolved. Notably, we developed active digital media platforms that serve as communication, advocacy, and awareness channels with NCDs contents, including videos and infographics.

NCD stories Sharing

Due to COVID-19 Pandemic, most individuals have confronted several difficulties in changing their lifestyles, economy, and health. Particularly people living with non-communicable diseases (PLWNCDs) are at high risk for severe  COVID-19 complications and even death when they are contracted. We believe that people living with NCDs, as individuals living with or affected by NCDs, would be provided and facilitated with an effective means of communicating their experience.

That is why we conducted the NCD story-sharing Project to amplify the views and voices of people living with NCDs. It aimed at gathering their lived experiences during the covid19 period, especially in lockdown, to highlight challenges encountered and be involved in looking for solutions and prioritizing actions in NCDs response either during the COVID-19 pandemic era or in any other future health emergency. Read NCD stories here...

Our Views Our Voices

Our views, our voices initiative was designed to shed light on the meaningful involvement of people living with NCDs in NCD response. Through supporting and enabling individuals to share their thoughts and lived experiences to take actions that will drive positive change. During its execution, we conducted a series of community conversations and consultative meetings with people living with a diverse range of NCDs and care partners to gather insights on their needs and critical challenges, priority asks.

Furthermore, it was an opportunity for us to understand their thoughts on how they think they could be meaningfully involved in the NCD responses as primary beneficiaries and those with first-hand experiences. Exclusively, this initiative has helped us build the National Advocacy Agenda for People Living With NCDs under four pillar areas such as prevention and treatment, care & support; human rights & social justice; and meaningful involvement.

NCD Situation Analysis

Under the support of the NCD Alliance’s Advocacy Institute NCDs and UHC Accelerator Programme, through its partnership with Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust, we conducted a National NCD Situational Analysis.

This survey conducted by the Rwanda NCDA, in collaboration with the Rwanda Biomedical Center (RBC), aims to provide a national situational analysis of the current policy environment and political landscape relevant for health system strengthening and Universal Health Coverage for Non-Communicable Diseases in Rwanda.

Key informants called for a high-level multi-sectoral coordination mechanism, a national advisory and technical working group for NCDs, and increased taxation of tobacco, alcohol, and sugar-sweetened drinks. Read a full report here...

Virtual Fitness Show

During the COVID19 pandemic period, sports activities and facilities (gyms, stadiums, pools, physiotherapy centres, playgrounds) have been restricted, and others were temporarily closed. As a result, many people could not engage in their usual solo or group sports or physical activities outside of their residences, and they became less physically active. Thus, increasing chances of exposure to other NCD risk factors such as alcohol, unhealthy diet, as well as an increase in mental health issues.

Knowing the critical role of sports and physical activities in NCDs prevention and control, we have initiated an adaptive virtual approach to improve access to virtual physical exercises through live sports demonstration and healthy living education on Television and Social media platforms. It is done while people are at their respective homes and complying with COVID19 preventive measures set by the Government of Rwanda. Watch one of the videos here...